How to Fix a Leaky Skylight

There are many reasons why your skylight may have started to leak. Exposure to weather can weaken guttering and other parts of the skylight, leading to leakage. Trees and shrubs around the opening may also degrade, allowing rainwater to seep in. A qualified Toronto skylight repair company can identify the cause of the leak and recommend the best solution. For more information on skylight repairs, please visit our FAQ section.


If your skylight is leaking, it is most likely caused by condensation in the air. This problem can also be caused by missing roofs or deteriorated building materials. In any case, you will need professional Toronto skylight repair services to make sure that you get a functioning skylight again. Here are some tips for repairing a skylight:

First, find the source of the leak. A loose roof seam, for example, can cause water to seep into the skylight. A Toronto skylight repair contractor can help you determine the cause and recommend a solution. DIY replacement can save you a lot of money, too. However, if you’re not comfortable doing it yourself, you can call a professional skylight repair company. Leaky skylight repair Toronto is not as difficult as it may seem.

A Toronto skylight repair company can help you with several types of repairs, including repairing broken glass panes or patching up holes. Sometimes, the problem is more extensive and requires replacing a piece of skylight or patching it up. Toronto skylight repair specialists will know exactly what to do for each specific problem, so you don’t have to deal with them for the rest of your life. If you can’t afford to pay for their services, try DIY, or consider a Toronto skylight repair company instead. You’ll be glad you did.

Skylight replacement

When you’re looking to fix a leaky skylight, it’s a good idea to hire a professional roofer who’s experienced in the repair of this type of window. Inexperienced installers and skylight retrofits can make the problem worse, so it’s important to follow manufacturer instructions carefully. Modern skylights typically have factory-built flashing and counterflashing to prevent leaks, and they should be sealed with a bituminous membrane on the curb and surrounding area of the roof. To install a skylight properly, check the Best Practices Guide for Residential Construction.

If you suspect that your skylight is damaged, the first sign to look for is a constant leak. This may also be accompanied by condensation on the inside glass of the skylight dome. In this case, the leaky skylight is causing more damage than just condensation. Condensation is normal, but it can also mean that your skylight has excess condensation. The condensation may be coming from the roof or another area of the home.

Proper installation of skylights is the most important step to take if you’re looking to fix a leaky skylight in Toronto. The flashing around the opening of your skylight is a key component of the leaky skylight repair process, and you should always look for premium grade models with weather-tight flashing and all-season glazing. Furthermore, curb mounted skylights are often more leakproof than self-sealing skylights because they can be removed if needed for roof repairs, while self-sealing skylights must be replaced after any roof repair.

Skylight contractor Toronto

If you live in a Toronto home and you suspect that you have a leaky skylight, you may want to hire a professional skylight repair service. There are many factors that can cause a skylight to leak, including a deteriorated seal or guttering. While you may be able to fix this problem yourself, if you don’t have the necessary tools, you may need to hire a professional who can do the job properly.

First, you must determine what caused the leak. The repair process can involve repairing the seal or replacing the entire skylight. You can also opt for a full replacement, which may include replacing one or several horizontal and vertical panels. While it can be difficult to determine the exact cause of the leak, a skylight repair Toronto specialist will be able to tell you whether it’s the leak that’s causing the problem or hidden damage. Sometimes, excessive condensation can be the cause, particularly in humid climates.

If you do manage to fix the leak yourself, you can use waterproof tape to patch the hole in the glass panel. Sometimes, a professional Toronto skylight repair service will need to replace the entire skylight or patch the problem. Although you may be able to make simple repairs yourself, it’s best to hire a professional Toronto skylight repair service to ensure that the repair is done correctly. Otherwise, you may be stuck with an expensive and unsatisfactory skylight.